Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A little bit of naughtiness!!

So on returning back from office I stopped over at a store and picked up some really great stuff. They say shopping releases your creative subconscious! Probably that's why I couldn't help but play a prank on my unsuspecting mom ;)

Gave her a call on the way and told her that I was bringing two new friends with me home and that she should prepare for them. She was not very happy that such plans had been made at such a short notice and that too two friends! That would mean lots of cooking and preparation on her part.  I could hear the irritation in her voice over the phone.  When I arrived home she was busy setting the furniture right..but even with all her preparations, she still wasn't ready for the 2 new friend I brought along home...
My 2 new friends
The surprise and the smile on her face on realising the prank was totally worth it. ;)

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